Facebook - 1,200,000,000 registered users.Facebook is the world’s largest social network. Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg in February 2004, initially as an exclusive network for Harvard students. People use Facebook to stay connected with their friends and family, to discover what is going on in the world around them, and to share and express what matters to them to the people they care about.A valid email address is one that is verified by Facebook – the user must receive an email message at that address and click on a link in the message to prove that it is a working address. Facebook members can join networks based on school affiliation, employers, and geographic regions. It is free to join and requires only that you be over 13 years of age and have a valid email address. Facebook gives you the opportunity to post a variety of other information about yourself, such as your educational and work histories, your contact information, your relationship status and listsof your favorite books, movies, and music.
- Directly message people without receiving an introduction (generally from another member that you already know)
- Better organize profiles
- Search profiles of LinkedIn’s members faster
Tumblr - about 110,000,000 registered users.Founded in february 2007.Tumblr is a microblogging social network site founded by David Karp and Marco Arment. The interface allows users to post still images, animated GIFs, videos, links, quotes and other text. Members of the site can follow other Tumblr pages that can be viewed on their dashboard, and can “reblog” or “heart” other user’s posts. If you want to use Tumblr sign up with an e-mail address and a password, choose a user name, and start blogging. On the user's blog entry page (accessible via the Dashboard), Tumblr guides the blogging process with icons for text, photo, quotes, links, chat, audio or video.
Written entries, photographs, video clips or links to other Web sites you can share all of these things with your friends and followers. Users subscribe to as many other users' pages as they like, which show up on the user's feed, or Dashboard. To further the social aspect, authors can opt to post their Tumblr entries simultaneously, or at least link to them, via other services, such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Myspace - about 35,000,000 registered users.Myspace is a social networking service with a strong music emphasis owned by Specific Media LLC and pop music singer and actor Justin Timberlake. Myspace was launched in August 2003Orkut - about 100,000,000 registered users.
Founded by Marc Andreessen and Gina Bianchini in 2004, Ning was acquired by Mode Media Corporation (formerly Glam Media, Inc.) in December 2011 to bring together Ning’s world-class social-native technology with Mode Media’s premium advertising solutions to help consumers and brands create and engage with passionate social communities across all digital mediums. With Ning you can build upon your successful Facebook and other social channels presence to gather your most loyal and strong advocates and enthusiasts into a community of your own.
- find others
- get involved locally
- learn, teach, and share things
- make friends and have fun
- rise up, stand up, unite, and make a difference
- be a part of something bigger - both locally and globally
To register a user must enter a valid E-mail address, create a password, and enter their date of birth, gender, name, country, address, and city.
You should know
- Users can chat with other users in public chatrooms or through private messages
- Users can communicate with each through webcams - using a chat tool designed for private discussion between two users
- Users can enter games and competitions on the site
- Non-members can view user profiles
Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Networking
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