Facebook - 1,200,000,000 registered users.Facebook is the world’s largest social network. Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg in February 2004, initially as an exclusive network for Harvard students. People use Facebook to stay connected with their friends and family, to discover what is going on in the world around them, and to share and express what matters to them to the people they care about.A valid email address is one that is verified by Facebook – the user must receive an email message at that address and click on a link in the message to prove that it is a working address. Facebook members can join networks based on school affiliation, employers, and geographic regions. It is free to join and requires only that you be over 13 years of age and have a valid email address. Facebook gives you the opportunity to post a variety of other information about yourself, such as your educational and work histories, your contact information, your relationship status and listsof your favorite books, movies, and music.

Twitter - about 500,000,000 registered users.Twitter is a micro-blogging network of real-time posts that are limited to 140 characters or less.Since launching in 2006, Twitter has seen incredible growth as more people discover its usefulness. Twitter is an information network made up of 140-character messages called Tweets. It's an easy way to discover the latest news related to subjects you care about. Messages from users you choose to follow will show up on your home page for you to read. It’s best to begin your journey by finding and following other interesting Twitter accounts. Look for businesses you love, public service accounts, people you know, celebrities, or news sources you read. One great way to find more interesting accounts is see who those you know or admire are following. Messages from those you follow will show up in a readable stream on your Twitter homepage, called your “Timeline.” Once you’ve followed a few people, news outlets, organizations, or accounts of your interest, you’ll have a new page of information to read each time you log in. Click links in others’ Tweets to view articles, images or videos they’ve linked to. Click hashtagged keywords (#) to view all Tweets about that topic.
Google+ - about 500,000,000 registered users.Google+ was opened to a small number of users to testin june 2011.The service has since been opened up to everyone in april 2012. Google+ was opened to a small number of users to test in June 2011. Google then gave some of those initial users invitations to invite a small number of their contacts. The service has since been opened up to everyone. It was given an overhaul in April, 2012. At just 2 years old, Google Plus is now thought to be the number 2 social media site among active users. You need an account on Google (Gmail) for all Google services suc as :  Blogger, Google Calendar, Google Drive, Gmail, iGoogle, Google Maps, Android navigation application for GPS-enabled mobile devices and much more.
LinkedIn - about 259,000,000 registered users.Linkedin is the social network for work professionals created by Reid Hoffman in 2002. There are 161 million professionals worldwide who have connected with Linkedin since its official launch in May 2003. LinkedIn provides an important outlet where work-at-home professionals can stay connected with the outside world, which is always a big challenge when you work from home.
All you need to get going and start learning how to use LinkedIn is to  create a LinkedIn login  to sign up for a free account. Also you can upgrade to a paid LinkedIn membership. If you decide to do that, you'll be able to a few things you can't otherwise do with a free membership, such as:
  1. Directly message people without receiving an introduction (generally from another member that you already know)
  2. Better organize profiles
  3. Search profiles of LinkedIn’s members faster

Tumblr - about 110,000,000 registered users.Founded in february 2007.Tumblr is a microblogging social network site founded by David Karp and Marco Arment. The interface allows users to post still images, animated GIFs, videos, links, quotes and other text. Members of the site can follow other Tumblr pages that can be viewed on their dashboard, and can “reblog” or “heart” other user’s posts. If you want to use Tumblr sign up with an e-mail address and a password, choose a user name, and start blogging. On the user's blog entry page (accessible via the Dashboard), Tumblr guides the blogging process with icons for text, photo, quotes, links, chat, audio or video.

Written entries, photographs, video clips or links to other Web sites you can share all of these things with your friends and followers. Users subscribe to as many other users' pages as they like, which show up on the user's feed, or Dashboard. To further the social aspect, authors can opt to post their Tumblr entries simultaneously, or at least link to them, via other services, such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


Formspring - about 300,000,000 registered users.Formspring helps people find out more about each other by sharing interesting & personal responses. It starts by directly asking people original questions in anticipation of their entertaining or revealing responses. Responses can range from straightforward to surprising, and can lead to understanding and learning more about other people.
Habbo - about 270,000,000 registered users.Habbo Hotel is a place for teens to have fun and a good time. From the very first moment teens step into our virtual Hotel, we want them to know that they can enjoy themselves without offending anyone and that being tolerant when it comes to the opinions of and differences between others is the way to go.
Instagram - about 150,000,000 registered users.A photo and video sharing site.Instagram is a mobile photo application developed by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. It uses a cell phone camera to take pictures, after which users can apply photo filters and share them on the web to Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and Flickr. The service surpassed 50 million in users shortly after opening the app to Android customers
Friendster - about 100,000,000 registered users.First launched in 2002, Friendster attracted tens of millions of users over the years, but it never quite grew into the online juggernaut it could have been.
Classmates.com - about 50,000,000 registered users.Classmates is a social networking site that helps members find, connect, and keep in touch with friends and acquaintances.
Bebo - about 120,000,000 registered users.Bebo was founded by Michael and Xochi Birch in 2005. Bebo has steadily risen to become one of the world’s most popular social networking sites.


Myspace - about 35,000,000 registered users.Myspace is a social networking service with a strong music emphasis owned by Specific Media LLC and pop music singer and actor Justin Timberlake. Myspace was launched in August 2003Orkut - about 100,000,000 registered users.

Orkut is a social networking service owned and operated by Google.Originally hosted in California, in August 2008 Google announced that Orkut will be fully managed and operated in Brazil, by Google Brazil, in the city of Belo Horizonte.
Sonico.com - about 50,000,000 registered users.Popular in Latin America and Spanish and Portuguese speaking regions. Users can search and add friends, update their own personal profile, manage their privacy, Founded: July 28, 2007
Flickr - about 40,000,000 registered users.Flickr is a photo sharing website and web services suite, and an online community platform, which is generally considered an early example of a Web 2.0 application. In addition to being a popular Web site for users to share personal photographs, the service is widely used by bloggers as a photo repository.
VKontakte - about 220,000,000 registered users. Founder of Russia's largest social network Vkontakte, is Pavel Durov in October 2006. VKontakte (VK) is Europe's largest social networking website.It is most popular in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Belarus. VKontakte allows users to message their friends privately or publicly, create groups and public pages, share and tag images and videos, and play games. VKontakte is the fourth-most visited site in Russia.
Yahoo! Groups - about 115,000,000 registered users.Yahoo groups and other cyber-networks are forums to keep the CI world communities connected and informed. Announcements and information about classes, jams, and other events or news are shared here as well as other CI related questions and answers. Groups tend to be started to serve specific regions and/or topics of interest.
Friends+Me automatically shares content from Google+ to other social networks by checking your Google+ business page and/or personal profile at regular intervals.Friends+Me it is a tool, that once connected to your Google+ account will broadcast what you post on Google+ to your other social networks according to a schedule you define. Currently, you can post to a Facebook Profile, Page or Goup, Twitter Account, LinkedIn Profile, Group or Page and even your Tumblr blog.
Youtube -YouTube was founded in February 2005 and has become the go-to site for video on the web.Nothing quite compares to YouTube when it comes to video sharing.
Reddit - Reddit is a social news website that displays news based on your personal preferences and what the community likes.Was launched in 2005.Users may vote the posted links up or down, causing them to appear more or less prominently on the reddit home page. Users who submit articles which other users like and subsequently "vote up" receive "karma", points which a user receives as a reward for submitting interesting articles.
Pinterest - Pinterest is a social bookmarking site where users collect and share photos of their favorite events, interests and hobbies. One of the fastest growing social networks online, Pinterest is the third-largest such network behind only Facebook and Twitter.
StumbleUpon - StumbleUpon was originally founded in 2002 by Geoff Smith, Garrett Camp and Justin LaFrance.StumbleUpon could probably be called a Web browser plug-in, an online social network, an online social bookmarking network, an online social search engine -- basically StumbleUpon is an example of software that has many roles.
Vimeo - Vimeo launched support for high definition video in October 2007.Is a popular video sharing website that is largely characterized by content created and uploaded by artists, musicians and indie filmmakers who would like to share their creative work.
LiveJournal - LiveJournal is a journaling platform where users find friends and communities based on common interests. Since 1999 LiveJournal has been home to a wide array of creative individuals looking to share common interests, meet new friends, and express themselves.
Mixi - Mixi, which launched in February 2004, is the biggest social networking site in Japan. To join Mixi, you need to be invited by an existing member. You also need to be 18 or over. Your homepage displays a selection of your friends, a list of their latest blog posts and photos and the latest news from your communities. Mixi isn't a great tool for expressing your identity. Mixi includes user reviews: users can rate and review books, CDs, DVDs, games, electronics and other items.
Ning - With over 2 million communities created to date, Ning is the world’s largest SaaS platform for deploying vibrant social communities and web sites.
Founded by Marc Andreessen and Gina Bianchini in 2004, Ning was acquired by Mode Media Corporation (formerly Glam Media, Inc.) in December 2011 to bring together Ning’s world-class social-native technology with Mode Media’s premium advertising solutions to help consumers and brands create and engage with passionate social communities across all digital mediums. With Ning you can build upon your successful Facebook and other social channels presence to gather your most loyal and strong advocates and enthusiasts into a community of your own.
Meetup - Meetup is the world's largest network of local groups. Meetup makes it easy for anyone to organize a local group or find one of the thousands already meeting up face-to-face. More than 9,000 groups get together in local communities each day, each one with the goal of improving themselves or their communities. Meetup helps people find others who share their interest or cause, and form lasting, influential, local community groups that regularly meet face-to-face. Meetup Groups help people:
  1. find others
  2. get involved locally
  3. learn, teach, and share things
  4. make friends and have fun
  5. rise up, stand up, unite, and make a difference
  6. be a part of something bigger - both locally and globally
SkyRock -
Skyrock.com is a social networking site offering its members a free, personal web space. - See more at: https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/skyrock#sthash.V3OglUWt.dpuf
Skyrock Offers blogs, profiles, chat, photos, and videos. To register for Skyrock, you must be at least 12 years or older. 

To register a user must enter a valid E-mail address, create a password, and enter their date of birth, gender, name, country, address, and city. 

You should know

  1. Users can chat with other users in public chatrooms or through private messages
  2. Users can communicate with each through webcams - using a chat tool designed for private discussion between two users
  3. Users can enter games and competitions on the site
  4. Non-members can view user profiles
Xing - Xing is a social network that powers business professionals by giving them the tools to tap into the vast resources of their own personal network to open doors to thousands of companies, find jobs and search for employees. Xing is perfect for business professionals wanting a better way of keeping track of their contacts or looking for the ability to tap into their own personal network of business connections. Also it's a good social network for job seekers or for those needing to fill vacant job positions.
MillatFacebook -MyMFB is a Muslim-oriented social networking website. This site it's a platform for all Muslims and nice, decent and sophisticated people of all religions and faiths, to come together and make a network. They should interact in a way that is socially responsible by providing them all the freedom of expression, however respecting each others’ sentiments, sensitivities and beliefs. So as now facebook has been banned in Pakistan , a group of IT guys from lahore made millatfacebook so that the people of pakistan can be in contact with their family members all over the world.






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Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Networking

Аренда авто аэропорт Крым

MaxAvticr | 09/04/2018

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Пробив информации по РФ и СНГ

BrianBycle | 09/04/2018

Пробив информации по абсолютно любым госсударственным базам, банкам и мобильным операторам.

Достанем для вас информацию из баз МВД, ГИБДД, ФССП, ФМС, Налоговой, ЕГРП, Пенсионному фонду
А так же достанем паспортные данные, сделаем детализацию, определим местоположение абонента таких сетей как МТС, Билайн, Мегафон, Теле2 и достанем информацию из любых российских банков.

Так же имеем много возможностей достать информацию из баз Украины, Беларуси, Казахстана и других стран ближнего зарубежья.

Оплата в большинстве случаев после выполнения заказа, никакого обмана, не требуем предоплат!!!
Не стесняйтесь, пишите, спрашивайте, поможем, ответим на все вопросы.

Цены на пробивы от 500 руб!


+79180589706 Алексей (телефон, viber, whatsapp, skype)
Telegram @alekseydetectiv

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Качественный алкоголь в 5 литровых канистрах по РФ

alkoholrus | 04/04/2018

Качественный алкоголь в 5 литровых канистрах с доставкой по России

Предлагаю вашему вниманию качественный алкоголь по демократичным ценам.
Доставка по всей России от 1 коробки (3 канистры по 5л)

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Водка (Де люкс) 600руб\5л
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Доставка по территории России транспортными компаниями занимает от 2ух до 15 дней.

Контакты для связи:
+7 988 3208922 Алексей (Телефон, viber, whatsapp, skype)
@Alkogolru - telegram

Услуги грузчиков

Donaldbom | 04/04/2018

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Пробив информации

probivinfo | 02/04/2018

Пробив информации по абсолютно любым госсударственным базам, а так же банкам и сотовым сетям.

Достанем для вас информацию из баз МВД, ГИБДД, ФССП, ФМС, Налоговой, ЕГРП, Пенсионному фонду
А так же достанем паспортные данные, сделаем детализацию, определим местоположение абонента таких сетей как МТС, Билайн, Мегафон, Теле2 и достанем информацию из любых российских банков.

Так же имеем много возможностей достать информацию из баз Украины, Беларуси, Казахстана и других стран ближнего зарубежья.

Оплата в большинстве случаев после выполнения заказа, никакого обмана, не требуем предоплат!!!
Не стесняйтесь, пишите, спрашивайте, поможем, ответим на все вопросы.

Цены на пробивы от 500 руб!


+79180589706 Алексей (телефон, viber, whatsapp, skype)
Telegram @alekseydetectiv
почта alekseydetectiv@gmail.com

Посоветуйте кто в теме по Челябе

Michaelfeags | 02/04/2018

Планирую на днях в командировку полететь в Челябинск.
Скажите кто знает об городе.
Где можно побывать? Куда сходить?
Может расскажите где посмотреть подробную информацию?

Заранее спасибо!)


WaynedoK | 31/03/2018


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